Monument to the Cuban Flag

Monument to the Cuban Flag

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Design and Construction

The design and construction of the national monument to the Cuban flag, located on the bayfront of the City of Cárdenas was commissioned to Mr. Eugenio Hernández Alvarez of Cárdenas, an employee of the Arechabala firm. The monument is constucted of several hundred pieces of different sizes, forms and contours; which together, comprise the ornamental style of this symbolic monument. The pieces were also designed in accordance with stuctural requirements made necessary by the special location of the monument.

Each of the pieces was individually marked for precise location within the monument. Blocks of coral rock were the material used for cutting and forming each piece. This precise and detailed work was carried out by two Spanish sculptors from Havana, who were provided with detailed drawings for the cutting of each piece. Their work was carried out in a carpentry shop on the corner of Mercedes and Souberville, in the City of Cárdenas. When all of the pieces were finished, they were transported in numerical order, as needed, during the construction of the monument.

The bronze plaque that stands at the foot of the monument reads as follows:

This monument is built in honor of the flag of the Republic of Cuba, in the city where it was raised for the first time on the 19th of May, 1850, by act of the expeditionary forces commanded by General Narciso Lopez.

May 13 of 1945
Donated by José Arechabala S.A.

The small plaque off to the side of the monument says the following:

The grandiose works that have turned our primitive northern coast into this beautiful and serene place, in which the spirit finds calm, the soul finds happiness and the heart pride, were carried out between May 10 of 1939 through May 10 of 1945 through the loving and happy innitiative of the gentlemanly and noble Sr. José Fermín Iturrioz Llaguno, "Favorite Son of the City of Cárdenas", with the complete and spontaneous acquiescence of the José Arechabala S.A. company, of which he is director, having employed the funds of that beloved entity, which was recognized as "Eminent Industrial Benefactor" by the Cárdenas City Council on May 10 of 1944.

This plaque has been placed here by act of the Cárdenas city government.
May 13 of 1945

Appreciation to Lourdes M. de la Fé for copying text
Translation by: E.J. de la Fé

Mounumento a la bandera erigido por la industria Arechabala