Saturno Electric Masthead

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Saturno Electric, on the corner of Ayllon and Coronel Verdugo, was owned by Saturnino González and managed by Diego Diaz until it was taken from them by the Castro regime in 1963 or '64. Both of these gentlemen have passed on, however, many older Cardenenses should remember that theirs was the "Westinghouse" authorized electical appliance dealer in Cárdenas. The accompanying photos, taken during various times in the mid through late 1950's, were sent to us by David Diego Diaz of Tampa, Florida, who is Diego Diaz's son. Thank you David for this tribute to your dad, a wonderful contribution to our site.

Earlier views of the exterior of the store on the SE corner of Ayllon & Coronel Verdugo

Saturnino González and Diego Diaz in the appliance store

Later view of the exterior (late '50's), after the new store windows were installed.

Mounument to the flag built by the Arechabala company